Contact Us

We are located in Ashbourne/Uttoxeter and are open six days a week:

Ashbourne: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 17:00
Uttoxeter:   Mon - Sat 9:00 - 17:00

You can order flowers either by dropping into our shop at:

Ashbourne - 7 Dig Street, Ashbourne Derbyshire DE6 1GF
Uttoxeter - 5 Market Place, Uttoxeter Staffordhsire ST14 8HN

Or by calling us on Ashbourne: 01335 344171 Uttoxeter: 01889 563322

For all enquiries please telephone or email us using the details provided or alternatively fill in the form below:

Your Comments


We would like to keep you informed of our new promotions, products or services. If you would like to receive information please check this box.

Where to find us

The Flower Shop Ashbourne

7 Dig Street




01335 344171 


The Flower Shop Uttoxeter

5 Market Place



ST14 8HN

01889 563322 

[email protected]